Monday, April 1, 2019

"How do you pay for it all?"

From mowing yards to bartending, cocktailing to bakery, restaurant to homemaker. PLEASE, hire me to help you shop at your local store, hire me to help you cook more, hire me to help you learn to make something you never had before!

The list of things this household knows how to fabricate:
aglets, cordage, hair sticks, jewelry, pewter cast items, carved items, barbed wire scorpions, quills, keychains, clothing, shoes, foods, stains, balm, lotion, soap...but the market is flooded with similars, our stuff is niche stuff, but again, flooded.

In Reality ... the job search will commence
The tourist shop up the way. We want to know the secrets to their fudge, the hours are great, and its probably the closest employer.
Went there, wet head fresh out of the shower, when I asked if they were taking applications, they said yes, and if I had time to fill it out and the manager would talk to me. There is another applicant who came in as they opened, I am guessing, we had the same idea, I was there about a half hour later.
I thought the interview went great in that I probably know how to do it all, and am great at doing what I'm told. The interview even had me sign my name and license number there, saying it was because they have a standard auto used for hauling their trash. It's a background check, I've been through it before, but they usually call it what it is. Still that is where I am focused, I was about to stop at the next 3 three places, but then I thought, I'd like to wait and see if the tourist trap gets me first. I plan to call back in two days to see how my application is going (Friday), because that is before the weekend. Just wanna know to be done looking or to move on. I decided to wait, and go in person on Monday to ask how my application was processing. They said nothing from HR because it was a holiday Monday, I asked when to check back, they replied in a couple days (Wednesday). Luckily on Tuesday I answer my phone, though it appears to be a spam call, it ends up being Ray from the Tourlins and DQ in a town about 40 minutes away, asking me to come in and interview. I arrive, am directed to the DQ side. They wanted to hire me for there. I told him I said on my application I train at another store and he replied but there isn't a DQ in the others and I answered him, "Yes, I applied at the Tourlins where I live (I guess he didn't think the other store trained at various stores, who knows).

Who knows, maybe while I am out and about, I will notice a pizza shop I used to work for is hiring, and I could try that again. I did have fun and knew what I was doing. Or any other various places who may hire me on the spot, no?

Everyone seems to only do online apps now, so that's where I go now, face now still of make-up.
Make-up, yes, I do believe girls have to use everything they can to get jobs sometimes. I just put on base and lips and it's an improvement on the "care about myself"-take that some hirers look for. They want to know someone maintains a cleanliness about them, runs a comb through their hair, and as much as is possible for them. I am almost 50 going up against the median age of 33 in the poorest county in our state. It's tricky and you have impress your best qualities in such a short amount of time. I even bought new shoes even though neither of us have income, just because I wasn't going to let anything interfere if I could help it. My first interview was good, but I didn't smile much with it being my first foray, if you will. It isn't the right word but it is the IMAGINARY TRAVELLER thinking how "cute a picture- a ninja going into enemy territory to pick up a job application". Also speaking of girls, I still am having monthly pains that many females deal with all their lives. So that's a fun thing to also be dealing with. Women are powerful, I don't think everyone always remembers what we go through physically and to know that we still can be on equal terms with men blows my mind. Can you imagine if we had the option to not deal with that, can you imagine how many more women would go even further?!
Goodness, so about a month later and I have been turned down for everything applied to so far, well three were a no call back, the other 4 were turn downs. Another called me on a Tuesday, after turning in an app the previous week. Interviewed me that day, I shadowed the next day. Unbeknownst to them, I had began the day with an unrelated migraine, felt miserable all day, they do not offer you to stay there for lunch and the break is about an hour and a half, so it is a very long day say from 730am-6pm on some days, who knows, perhaps more. I felt like a total dork. Socially I am so awkward, it is painful, to others to have to watch. During lunch, which I sat in my car because I'm trying to conserve gas, ended up going to the grocery to relieve myself, found out it was girl time. Great day to shadow, I tell you. But it gets better.
That Friday I start going down hill. The next Friday after that husband has to take phone call for that potential employer because I have lost my voice, same with that next Monday, so here 12 days later, Tuesday, I am finally looking like I may be in the clear and the husband has caught a portion of it.
Also, our refrigerator has broke again, it has been doing this since day one. so there is a new one on the way. What a couple of weeks.
In hind sight, I am terrible at interviews, and I have no basis in reality with any of the jobs I have gone after, I just do them any way. I do have a large imagination, maybe it prepares me. But I'm still a huge goofy idiot. I cannot help it. It's this wide-tooth mouth. So the interview included me revealing I was at both incidents at a local superstore, potentially saving people; talking about a dead maggoty opossum in a garage I had to deal with; kids in preschool I dealt with; the left over of a wild hog on a hike; that my cat was the one that ate a needle and thread (they operated on); and that my dog only has a couple years left, to which I cannot obtain any new animals, my heart cannot handle it. So to get the job was pretty much 50/50, either they were ok with a blank slate such as myself who probably has no emotional attachment to strange animals; or would someone in the industry be better suited to receive this job.
It appears I have the job and perhaps tomorrow or the next day I will shake this sinus headache enough to go in to a new job finally. During the incredulous hour and a half lunch, I will have to get my dental appointment rescheduled around the new job, the appointment was cancelled because it was while I was sick. Also I can purchase some scrub tops from the thrift store I volunteer at, and I can even spend my lunch hour there M-F!
No vacation in sight, though, of course. I think its more proper to wait a year before attempting vacation, days off will have to be enjoyed thoroughly, because I will be working my ass off, it looks like. Supposedly the day I shadowed was busier than they were expecting, so perhaps it is a good sign I can be trained and help out soon.
One day shy of showing symptoms, finally went to the doctor, gave me medicines and suggested two others. Bronchitis. Dropped in to new job to update owner who was standing right there, fate. Told her how the doctor told me I am not contagious once I been on the medication for 24 hours (then I take it 4 days after that, too). My goodness, so in four days, a Monday, I finally get to get the ball rolling at a new job! My throat is killing me, still lots of mucus and congestion and coughing, so 3 more full days of rest will be good. 
My goodness, so this is how we might pay for it all :)

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